
Sambo And Adegoroye Has Change The Cause Of History Within A Shot Time As Ministers-Stakeholders.

– As Sambo attributes his success to efficient Team Work.




– Stakeholders avocate for the Ministers return in the current administration.




Lucky Akra




The immediate past Minister of Transportation, Mu’azu Sambo and the Minister of State for Transportation are said to have changed the cause of history within a short period as Ministers.




Sambo who is familiar with the Maritime sector has spent less than a year in office as the Minister of Transportation but has made a great impact in the sector.




Sambo also attributed his success recorded during his short stay in office to the immense support he enjoyed from stakeholders in the sector and a competent workforce in the Ministry.




He said this while addressing guest from different works of life especially Captain of Industries,outside and within the maritime sector,Journalists,Business owners etc who came to honour him at the Maritime Industry Appreciation Dinner organized by the League of Maritime Editors, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Transportation and its Agencies in honour of Mu’azu Jaji Sambo and Prince Ademola Adegoroye as the immediate past Honourable Minister of Transportation and Honourable Minister of State Transportation respectively, at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos on Friday 9th June, 2023




dinner organised by the League of Maritime Editors (LOME)on Friday,9th of J
































































































































































































































































Sambo recognised the impact of the cooperation the Civil Servant led by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Dr. Magdalene Ajani. He noted that the accomplishments would also not have been possible without their input.of an efficient team
































































































































































































































































According to him, their performance goes a long way in determining the success or failure of a country.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































L-R: The immediate past Transport Ministers, Prince Ademola Adegoroye Mu’azu Sambo and Perm Sec., FMoT, Dr. Magdalene Ajani at the event on Friday.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“No matter how good the Minister of State for Transportation, Ademola Adegoroye and I were; we wouldn’t have achieved anything if not for the Permanent Secretary, Magdalene Ajani. Nigerian civil servants will respect you to the letter if you’re their boss, but they would still refuse to do your bidding if they are not interested in it.
































































































































































































































































“If there should be any accolade for whatever we achieved during a short period, the accolade should go to the head of the bureaucracy at the Ministry and that is the Permanent Secretary.
































































































































































































































































“A nation can only be as good as the quality of the civil service it has. The professionalism and penchant for excellence displayed by Magdalene is worth commending; but I didn’t expect less because we come from the same background where there is an unwritten code to deliver excellence”.he said.
































































































































































































































































Sambo also appreciated the former President, Mohammadu Buhari for giving him the opportunity to serve the country, describing him as a leader who loves Nigeria and wants the best for the country.
































































































































































































































































Speaking at the occasion,the Deputy Chairman, Senate Committee on Marine Transport, Senator Tolu Odebiyi who represented the immediate past Secretary to the Government of the Federation and Chairman of the occasion, Boss Mustapha described Sambo as one of the country’s finest statesmen who epitomises humility.
































































































































































































































































According to him,Sambo was able to work harmoniously with the presidency, legislature, heads of agencies and the transport industry stakeholders.
































































































































































































































































“He worked assiduously with the Presidency and legislature to achieve numerous projects and there were lots of projects accomplished under Sambo. The trains, boats flagged off, among others are worthy of commendation. I pray and hope that your work will be recognized in the new administration and you’ll be rewarded accordingly,” he said.
































































































































































































































































Also speaking, the Executive Secretary of Nigerian Shippers’ Council (NSC), Hon. Emmanuel Jime pointed out that is the biggest beneficiary of Sambo’s leadership, citing the approval to implement Cargo Tracking Notes (CTN) as a development that the Council will never forget.
































































































































































































































































According to the NSC boss, the impact both Ministers have made in their public career is proof that they excel in all their endeavours, adding that the quality of transport industry stakeholders at the Appreciation Dinner was also a testament to their impact in the sector.
































































































































































































































































“If you haven’t been anywhere as impactful as you were, the hall would have been empty. You have left your legacies that will be remembered as long as the history of Transportation Ministry is told”, he added.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































• Sambo and Adegoroye (Middle)with picture frames presented by the organisers of
































































































































































































































































On his part, the Managing Director, Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Mohammed Bello-Koko highlighted the Lekki Deep Seaport as the Authority’s biggest win under Sambo, even as he recalled that his first visit to the former Minister was for a condolence visit when he lost his brother.
































































































































































































































































“I had a pressing issue about something at the NPA and the banker in me succeeded in getting me to discuss the issue about NPA with the Minister eventhough he was mourning. He listened and gave his input despite the fact that he was mourning.’
































































































































































































































































“I learnt perseverance from Sambo and I learnt that when issues come up, we say our mind and let it go. In the heat of the moment, the Minister of State is someone who always gives advice just as freely as he asks questions. At times, I go to him before going to see Sambo and he always inspires me, ” Bello-Koko recalled.
































































































































































































































































Also, the Director General of Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr. Bashir Jamoh, pointed out that unlike former Ministers, Sambo was an insider who came prepared with a good understanding of the sector.
































































































































































































































































He explained that the Minister’s ability to remain focus on the goal, despite challenges was why he achieved so much within a short period of time.
































































































































































































































































“My big brother, Alhaji Sambo already knew; the good, the bad and the ugly of the maritime sector before becoming the Minister. He is also a patriot that thinks about the interest of the nation at all times. He achieved tremendous successes within one year that would have taken four years.
































































































































































































































































“At NIMASA, we were renting offices all over the country apart from our headquarters but today we own numerous zonal offices. We have operational boats, clinics, and several accomplishments too numerous to mention”, the NIMASA boss said.
































































































































































































































































The Acting Registrar of the Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria (CRFFN), Mrs. Chinyere Uromta described both Ministers and the Permanent Secretary as people she admired from a distance before having an opportunity to work closely with them.
































































































































































































































































Narrating her experience with the Ministers Uromta said, “I’m barely three months old as Acting CEO and my experience working with them came close to the end of their administration. The two Ministers talk and reason similarly. I see the passion with which they lead the agencies. The Permanent Secretary, however, is someone I have loved and admired from a long distance”.
































































































































































































































































Uromta urged the administration of president Bola Tinubu to reappoint them as Transport Ministers in order to continue the job they have done.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































• Sambo and Adegoroye in a group photograph with some maritime industry stakeholders
































































































































































































































































President of LOME, Timothy Okorocha in his welcome address stated that Sambo raised the bar in improved governance system, industry capacity building and growth through hard work and uncommon commitment.
































































































































































































































































According to him,the former Minister performed excellently and attended to the task of driving transformational change in the industry; moving from mere talks of successive administrations to implementation and execution.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“Sambo is also on record as the first minster to publicly acknowledge the efforts of his predecessor, and declared he would work to execute whatever was pending, which he did by readily identifying the baskets of opportunities that can be harvested to raise capacity.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“One of such, was in the area of the disbursement of the Cabotage Vessel Financing Fund (CVFF), which has stalled repeatedly close to two decades. Sambo said he was going to confront it frontally and ensure he secured the approval to disburse. He accomplished it in less than nine weeks record time; and barring any unforeseen circumstances, the process is already on.








His Special Assistant, Dr Sam Idiagbonya calls him his father,he described him as hard working,courteous, unpredictable with genuine intentions, a family man together with Prince Ademola Adegoroye as men whose humility is genuine.

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