
Jungle Justice: Team Of Tailors Beat Young Apprentice To Death.

Jungle Justice: Team Of Tailors Beat 22Apprentice To Death.


Lucky Akra


A 22 yrs old,Hakeem Mujib,a sowing apprentice from Oyo State was beaten to death by some tailors for alleged theft at Obadina area of Lagos Island early Sunday morning.

The apprentice,who was very familiar with the said area where he was murdered was said to have visited a 2-storey building situated at 7a Obadina street, off Obe street to past the night with his friend called Kehinde around 2am while returning from an errand been sent by his boss.

According to eye witnesses, Hakeem was sent on an errand by his boss who has an office around Massey children hospital area around 1:30am.

He was said to have returned from the erand around 2am and instead of going back to his boss,he decided to pass the night in the 2 storey building with another apprentice friend call Kehindcause he was too tired to trek back to his boss.

It was also revealed that, “it was while Hakeem was knocking the main gate of the penthouse on the 2-storey building being occupied by some tailors who were also working at the midnight and they demanded who he was looking for at that hour”.

“When he mentioned Kehinde, his friend and identified himself to be a tailor apprentice too, the tailors who didn’t know his friend accused him of trying to be a spy for armed robbers who may later invade their shop and rob them of their belongings”.

Despite explaining his mission,It was gathered that the deceased was ignored,The tailors went and brought dangerous weapons like cutlasses, sticks, iron rods and others and started beating him.

Some youths, residing at the next building to where the crime was committed revealed to our correspondent that it was the shouting of the deceased that woke them up and all efforts they made for them to release him went on deaf ears of attacking tailors.

According to them, “When we got to the 2nd floor of the house, they’ve locked the gate, so we couldn’t get access to rescue the boy.

Around 5am when we went to alert other residents and CDA members in the area, the tailors have brought his dead body to the front of the building, they even poured hot pap into his ears to ascertain whether he was staging death. When they realized he was dead they fled before the CDA members and others residents came”.

Relatives of the deceased and his boss along with other tailors in the area were informed and a distress call was made, which brought an emergency ambulance that came and removed the remains to IDH Yaba mortuary for autopsy, while the case was said to have been reported to the Police at Lion building, Area ‘A’ headquarters, Lagos Island.

However, the Obadina CDA members were seen locking up the rooms and shops in the building.








































































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