
Area C Police Command To Get A Clinic Soon- ACP Ayoola Oladunni

Area C Police Command To Get A Clinic Soon- ACP Ayoola Oladunni


Asistant Commissioner of Police on Charge of Area ‘C’ Police command, ACP Ayoola Oladunni has disclosed that the area command will soon get a clinic.

The Police boss said this during a free health care program organized in conjunction with the Police command Community Relation Committee and other agencies in the command.

The program which was aimed at providing a free health care for the Police officers and members of their families covers free test, free blood pressure and sugar test, distribution of free HIV prevention drugs, free TB/STD test, free cervical cancer test, free liver and kidney test and free protein test while free drugs were distributed to all the participants.

Participants being attended to by Medical Officials


Also speaking during the program, the president of Rotary Club of Lagos Palm Groove Estate Mrs. Omoye Evbota said,”the Rotary Club involvement in the program is a way of giving back to the society.

Speaking with our reporter during the exercise, the Area C Police boss, ACP Ayoola Oladunni said his father opposed him when he wanted to enlist into the Nigeria Police on the ground that at that time there was no trust in the force.

According to him, today,his father is now proud that he joined the Nigerian Police.

In the area of fighting crime and other social vices, he adviced the youth to desist from taking hard drugs in order not to destroy their health and that it’s not beneficial to them.

He said,”I am urging the youths to desist from taking all these hard drugs as it is harmful and destructive to their health, there is no benefit in taking hard drugs”. he advised.

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